November 08, 2010

Genetic Results for Fifth Pup

The new results from the fifth member of the litter we observed in July are now in.  They confirm that Brutus was probably not the father of any of the pups.  (See September 15 posting).  In addition, the data were insufficient to determine whether the pups had 2 mothers.



  1. These posts have always intriguiged me and I have always wanted to be part of these expeditions to Ellesmere. I love these animals, as I do have several high content Wolfdogs. Please do tell me if it is possible to help out on these scientific excursions. I do feel that I have a way with these animals, and they seem to really take to me as well.

  2. We appreciate your interest. However, for many reasons it is impossible for us to accommodate you or the many other people who would like to join these expeditions. Sorry.

